In de halfjaarcijfers van moeder Grafton worden Isero en Polvo (Graftin Netherlands) aangemerkt als outperformers. In een groepsontwikkeling van -19% was de stabiele omzet in Nederland welkom.
Binnen Grafton zakten de overall-omzetten in met 19%. De Nederlandse activiviteiten – Grafton Netherlands = Isero + Polvo – waren met een -0,7% oud-op-oud de 'standout performers'.
Business performed well, increased profit contribution
Specifiek over Nederland zei het halfjaar-rapport: 'Netherlands business remained open with increased scale and profitability following Polvo acquisition'. En: 'The Netherlands business was categorised as an essential service and remained open throughout the half year while observing strict social distancing and health and safety measures. The business performed well despite the national lockdown and significantly increased its profit contribution following the acquisition of Polvo in July 2019 which performed in line with expectations.'
Integratievoordelen nog op komst
Ondanks een dreigende marktverslechtering is Grafton positief over de nabije toekomst in Nederland vanwege de recente overname van Polvo: 'In the Netherlands, measures to control Covid-19, a decline in exports and a moderation in household spending are likely to temper demand in the Isero and Polvo businesses over the remainder of the year. The Polvo acquisition made over a year ago provides an opportunity to continue to realise integration benefits in the enlarged business.'
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