Hornbach: maximaal 15% winstval

Hornbach: maximaal 15% winstval

Als gevolg van een zwak derde kwartaal voor haar Duitse dhz-activiteiten verwacht de Hornbach-Gruppe een duidelijk lager resultaat voor 2015/2016.

De Raad van Bestuur verwacht dat de EBIT voor 2015/2016 niet langer grofweg het resultaat van 2014/2015 zal evenaren. “We voorzien eerder dat de EBIT maximaal 15% lager uit zal vallen dan de € 165,1 mln van vorig jaar. Aldus het interim-rapport dat Hornbach vandaag publiceerde.



Key Figures of the Hornbach Group for the 3rd Quarter and First Nine Months at a Glance


Key figures

Hornbach Holding AG & Co. KGaA Group1)
(in Euro million, unless otherwise stated) 3rd Quarter
3rd Quarter
in % 9 Months
9 Months
in % Net sales 925.6 875.8 5.7 2,980.2 2,851.4 4.5 of which Hornbach Baumarkt AG subgroup 863.0 814.9 5.9 2,796.4 2,669.8 4.7 - Germany 480.4 477.4 0.6 1,596.5 1,560.9 2.3 - Other European countries 382.5 337.5 13.3 1,199.8 1,108.9 8.2 Like-for-like sales growth (DIY) 2.9% 1.0%   1.8% 4.9%   of which Hornbach Baustoff Union GmbH subgroup 62.2 60.5 2.8 182.4 180.2 1.2 Gross margin (as % of net sales) 35.8% 36.7%   36.9% 37.2%   EBIT 21.3 37.2 -42.7 172.5 191.2 -9.8 Consolidated net income2) 11.6 22.6 -48.6 116.7 120.6 -3.2 Earnings per share (Euro) 0.71 1.22 -41.8 5.94 6.15 -3.4



Misc. key figures

Hornbach Holding AG & Co. KGaA Group1)
(in Euro million, unless otherwise stated) November 30, 2015 February 28, 2015 ±
in % Shareholders’ equity as % of total assets 53.2% 51.7%   Number of DIY stores with garden centers 153 146 4.8 Sales area of DIY stores with garden centers in 000 m² 1,772 1,704 4.0 Number of employees 17,320 16,455 5.3


Rounding up or down may lead to discrepancies between percentages and totals. Calculation of percentage figures based on Euro 000s.

1) Previous year's figures adjusted due to IFRIC 21; please see Note 1 in the notes to the 2015/2016 First Nine Months Report

2) Including minoritiy interests pursuant to IFRS

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